If you’re ready to build a remote team that is high performing, engaged and motivated, Lisa can help

“The traditional means of employee engagement in an office-based setting cannot be applied in a remote setting and be expected to result in the same degree of effectiveness. This calls for new patterns of leadership.”  – Lisa George

Do you have a remote or hybrid workforce and:

  • You’re not sure where to start with the transition from workplace leadership to remote/ hybrid leadership?
  • You suspect your team is feeling disconnected and disengaged?
  • You’re feeling demotivated and/or you feel like your team are too?
  • Your team has become less productive since working from home and you’re not sure what to do?
  • Your communication with your team has become haphazard or “clunky”?
  • You’re hearing rumblings that people are unhappy and they’re ready to move on?
  • You want to pull everyone back into the office to get back your sense of control?
  • You know there’s a better way to do this but you don’t know where to start?

This list is by no means exhaustive!

Perhaps you’re feeling some of the above, a bit of all of the above or maybe there are other challenges you’re facing right now when it comes to leading your remote workforce effectively.

The good news is, Lisa has close to 20 years of practical experience leading a remote team and is here to help you, your organisation, your team towards a thriving and sustainable remote workforce.

Lisa can assist at three levels:

The Individual Level

1:1 Mentoring
If you’re a business owner, manager or team leader looking for individualized mentoring and support to help manage your unique challenges, then private sessions are for you. There are different packages available according to your budget and needs.

Book a curiosity call with Lisa to discuss how she can help you one on one.

The Corporate Level

Leadership Workshops
If you’re a medium to large business or organization, Lisa offers group training workshops to equip your managers and leaders in the new world of work.

Book a curiosity call with Lisa to discuss how she can help equip your leaders in the new way of leading.

The Industry or Workforce Level

Guest Speaker/ Keynote
As a pioneer of remote team leadership, this “new way of working” is by no means new to Lisa. Lisa offers inspiring and insightful presentations for a variety of industries gleaned from her lessons and learnings over the last two decades of remote team leadership.

Book a curiosity call with Lisa to discuss how she can share her years of experience with your industry or workforce at your next conference or forum.